An artist. Eccentric. Slightly Sane. A circle lens addict. American Idol Fantard. This is my blog.



Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"A minute won't matter."

Apparantly it does.
Especially when one has an alarm clock that is not manufactured to include a 'snooze' button (I'm used to having my phone as an alarm clock but due to recent events...). All it can do however, is produce this loud ringing sound, right before i frantically reach for the 'off' button, convincing myself that I have a 'bionic' body clock that would automatically wake me up in another ten minutes.

I wake up, and it is an hour after.

As I sat on the backseat of the taxi, glancing at my watch one second and the taxi meter the next, I listened to the dreaded sound of the meter, happily 'clicking' away, as if teasing me with each and every twenty cent increment to the fare. Annoyed, I sighed, sat back and promised myself, for the fifteenth time (this month) that I would stop contributing to the success of a cab company that has so far been nothing but a detriment to my bank account.

Slowly but SURELY ticking away.
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