An artist. Eccentric. Slightly Sane. A circle lens addict. American Idol Fantard. This is my blog.



Wednesday, November 25, 2009

With dieting, exercise and circle lenses, who needs plastic surgery anymore?

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I never realised how different I looked after the weight loss until a side by side photo comparison. Yay self-esteem!

Oprah had her issues with it and so did I.

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Me in 2007 at 69kg

Me in 2007 (right after I started flying with Singapore Airlines)


Me in 2008 (with SIA's new uniform) at 82 kg.

Honestly, I never realised I was gaining THAT kind of weight, I always thought it was 'gym' weight. Luckily, reality hit me right after I saw these photos, and I decided to whip myself back into shape.


Me now at 68 kg again. YAY!

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I honestly never thought I was ever fat as an adult until I actually saw a photo of myself from two years back. I mean, yeah, I gymed ALMOST regularly, at least 3 times a week, I did my fair share of cardio, ALMOST regularly ABOUT 3 times a week and I watched what I ate ALMOST all the time. What I did not realise was that I snacked a lot on flight (I was a flight steward for Singapore Airlines) and all the late night in-room dining of Caeser Salads (with half the dressing) from various hotel menu's all over the world, was taking a toll on my weight.

I'm going to have to admit something I have never done openly to strangers and here it goes; for the past ten years, I have been suffered from eating disorders ranging from aneroxia (when i started out at 15) to bulimia (after i got tired of dieting). I would be lying if I claimed that I am cured and am no longer vomiting. Although the frequency has dropped DRASTICALLY from 3 times a day to once or twice a week, the problem still very much exists for me. I suppose it is harder for me to admit it, simply for the fact that this is labelled as a 'woman's' disease, but as small as the percentage is for bulimic males, we exist.

I am not speaking for other bulimics out there when i say that i do it to relinquish a sense of control over my life. Say what you want, but thats a fact, for me at least. I was fat as a child, and everysince i started losing weight (it began with exercise and a sensible diet), it slowly became an obsession for me to lose more. Unlike our female sufferers, some male bulimics have an obsession, not of being stick skinny, but to being 'ripped' (think abs) Over the years, personal incidents have kicked me when i was down, continuously contributing to my fear of gaining weight, in order to gain acceptance, especially in the social circle that i am in.

However, wallowing aside, what i aim to gain from publically admiting this problem, is to share my experiences and knowledge when it comes to dieting an exercise. This is not a 'one size fits all' remedy, but I sincerely hope it does help those who are or have been experiencing the same problem as I have, and most importantly, healing myself in the process.

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