An artist. Eccentric. Slightly Sane. A circle lens addict. American Idol Fantard. This is my blog.



Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am NOT (yet) suffering from any mental disorder.

There have been enquires from concerned bloggers with regards to my mental welfare and I’m glad to officially announce that for the record, I do not suffer from a medical condition known as objectophilia. I might refer to objects from time to time as my ex (or current) lovers, babies, bitches, girlfriends and boyfriends, but I do so, USUALLY in jest. Even when not, I do so out of love for all my belongings and definately without any hidden sexual connotations in play. I mean, sometimes I do lie in bed with my phone( well, I guess not anymore), my mp3 player and at times when I do arrive home extremely tired, having had a drink or two too many, I tend to let my guard down just a little bit and undress with the presence, and in full view for my circle-lenses to see (literally) BUT i maintain the fact that I do so, (once again) without any hidden sexual connotations in play.

That is all I have to say.
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